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Sacramento Courts: Vacation Slot Adjustments

UPE met and conferred with the Court about a proposal to reduce the number of vacation slots for certain units specified in the chart below:
 This proposal represents a significant reduction in the available vacation slots for many of our members.  UPE continues to oppose this proposal.   
UPE asked the Court to explain the reasons for this drastic decision.  Were there coverage issues?  Were courtrooms forced to go dark?  Was the public not being served?  The only reason given was: the demand for Court’s services was increasing. 
So, with more people using Court services, the Court decided the easiest administrative fix was to reduce your ability to take vacation instead of hiring additional staff. 
We understand that the demand for Court services is increasing, but the Court should fix this in ways other than increasing the workload of its current employees.
Vacation time is critical for the health, productivity, and retention of employees. UPE will continue to fight for your access to this benefit.




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