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IHSS: Combined Intake and Continuing Caseload Management P&P


On May 21, 2024, UPE met and conferred with representatives from IHSS over a policy covering the intake and continuing caseload management process. UPE asked several questions to help clarify the meaning of some of the language. Ultimately, the policy was agreed upon. 

Next, management informed UPE that CDSS is mandating the County to implement a State-created e-forms system. The County let UPE know that it wants to pilot the new program with 1 to 2 units of IHSS workers before the new program is rolled out to all staff. According to IHSS, the new system is similar to Docusign, but members will now create forms in CMIPS and then either send them to the client in advance using a portal or review the digital document with them in person. County forms will not work in the state system, so the Department plans to modify the narrative template to capture this information. The Department will solicit volunteers to pilot the new program soon and hopes to have all staff trained by the fall. UPE and IHSS will meet after the pilot and prior to broader implementation to review the impact of the change on our members. 

UPE thanks 008 Board Member Robert Shorter for his participation and representation during the meeting.   



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