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El Dorado Superior Court: Governing Board Vacancy

If you are a member and are interested in being part of the labor movement, there are three vacancies on the El Dorado Superior Court Governing Board. Governing Board members play a crucial role in improving your compensation, benefits, and working conditions. This year the Board will also be at the bargaining table negotiating the terms of your employment contract.

UPE Governing Board members also possess the ability to:

  • Negotiate workplace policies and procedures with management through the meet and confer process.
  • Attend Governing Board meetings every other month.
  • Opportunities to participate in social and political union activities.

The three vacancies are open to all members in the Court Clerk classification.

We invite you to attend our next Governing Board meeting on March 4, 2025, at 6:00pm (online video conference). If you are interested and/or want more information, please reach out to Jennifer Oliver at


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