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DHA: Update on CalFresh Expedited Services and CalWORKs Immediate Need Screening

Your 008 negotiation team met with the Department about the proposed pilot for CalWORKs Immediate Need (IN) and CalFresh Expedited Services (ES) screening units. The pilot will be conducted at the Research Bureau and consist of two full-time workers and two backup workers. This unit will screen all walk-in applications and conduct intakes for clients who are ES/IN eligible.
The pilot will last 60 days, and then the Department will meet with UPE to disclose the results. If successful, the Department will reconvene the meet and confer for permanent implementation at all open lobbies. UPE proposed language changes to the clerical script, which is under review. We proposed that volunteers and seniority be considered for the pilot workers, but this was rejected, and management will hand-pick the participants for the pilot only.
Additional meetings will be scheduled upon the conclusion of the pilot. Stay tuned for that information. 
UPE extends its gratitude to SMEs Michelle Moyer and LaTroya Flournoy for their assistance and advocacy at this meeting, along with board members Nichole Gorman and Stephanie McCall.



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