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DHA: CalSAWS Update


On June 1, 2023, UPE and DHA met to discuss the CalSAWS training plans. The Department shared training is expected to begin June 12, 2023, through August 2023. The training consists of web-based training (WBT), in-person instructor-led training (ILT), and in-person practice lab hours. The training hours vary based on classification and function but range anywhere from 35 hours to 70 hours. All workers are expected to complete the WBT first before the in-person training. The Department is finalizing the schedules now but assured UPE there is some flexibility to account for scheduled time off, prior appointments, or unexpected sick days. The in-person training will begin in September after the WBT.

UPE was concerned with how the schedule will take place in practice as the communication at the bureau level often changes from what is shared at the meeting. UPE wanted assurance our members will be given adequate time to complete their training, and if conflicts arise, the Department will work with the members. The Department assured us that would be the case and agreed to reiterate that expectation to the bureaus. If issues arise, be sure to contact UPE.

UPE will continue to meet regarding the implementation of CalSAWS in the coming weeks and months and will keep you all posted.

Thank you to Jennifer Avalo, Monica Stephens, Daniel De Los Reyes, Erin Crocker, Stephanie McCall, James Starr, Nichole Gorman, and Patrick Hunter for their continued advocacy.


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