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CalWORKs Intake Service Center Bidding Process


Your 008 Bargaining Team met with DHA over the bidding process that will take place for the new look CalWORKs Intake Service Center (CWISC). We had concerns about the department’s first proposal, so there were a few counters back and forth that led to a tentative agreement on the following:

 Current CWISC HSSs will be able to select their work location, function, and schedule.

  • Phones / Follow-up will be at the East Commerce and Greenhaven Bureaus.

  • Those who chose not to bid on the Phones/Follow-up functions and locations will then bid on the remaining CWISC functions, locations, and schedules at the C100, E100, F100, R100, and V100 bureaus.

  • Those with an RDO can retain the RDO, but the RDO day cannot be guaranteed.

Once all CWISC staff have been situated in their locations and functions, the department will send out an “AB” to fill the remaining positions. Finally, the last available positions will be filled by trainees who are nearing completion of their induction class.

UPE would like to thank Stephanie McCall, Patrick Hunter, Brenda Rhea, Michelle Moyer, and Melissa Recio for their participation and advocacy at this meeting.



Image Source: CalWORKs

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