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BHRS Alternative Work Schedules

On September 5, 2024, UPE met with BHRS to discuss its proposed alternative work schedule (AWS) policies for Unit 3 members. BHRS is proposing two new schedules: the 9/80 and 8/80 options. Currently, there are no AWS policies in place for Unit 3 members at BHRS, so this would give members more flexibility in managing their work-life balance.

Negotiations are ongoing. UPE has raised concerns about certain language in the proposal that gives BHRS the power to revoke or deny AWS based on an employee’s backlog, performance, or disciplinary action. We believe AWS should be used to support members’ work-life balance, not to punish employees who may already be struggling.

One of UPE’s raised concerns is the lack of flexibility in BHRS’s proposal, which would require employees to consistently take the same day off for the schedule (e.g., if they choose Monday, it must always be Monday, without the option to switch unless schedule change). We have expressed concerns that this could negatively affect members with changing needs from week to week.

UPE will meet again with BHRS on September 30, 2024. Stay tuned as UPE works to reach a fair, reasonable, and equitable resolution to uphold the rights of all members and achieve the best possible outcome.

UPE would like to thank Lisa Sykes and Carmelita Rodriguez
UPE Bargaining Team Members, for their advocacy and participation


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