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APS FSW Policies and Procedures


April 23, 2024

UPE and representatives from Adult Protective Services (APS) met and conferred on April 23, 2024, over the Department’s updates to their “Family Service Worker Referrals and Services” policies.  This policy essentially details the day-to-day duties of Family Service Workers (FSW) in APS.  UPE questioned the Department extensively about the policy to ensure it captured the actual duties of FSWs.  At the same time, UPE pointed out to the Department that FSWs are doing more than the policy listed.  The Department seemed open to making policy changes to better reflect the actual job the FSWs perform.  In addition, the Department expressed concern when it learned of some of the expectations currently placed on FSWs. In response to UPE’s questioning, the Department requested additional time to update the policy further.  The parties will reconvene when the Department has made these changes.



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