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008 Bargaining Update

Greetings, Union sisters and brothers. On December 19, 2024, your UPE 008 bargaining team met with the County for the third contract negotiation session.
The County and your UPE team exchanged contract proposals. That is to say, we gave them eleven (11) proposals inspired by your responses to the UPE bargaining survey, and the County withdrew and resubmitted two (2) of their proposals, one of which they discovered that what they had proposed actually violated the law. NICE GOING COUNTY!
Among the proposals made by UPE were: hazard pay for some of our most endangered members, additional longevity pay steps, additional sick leave, protection from unreasonable work disciplines, and the return of the twenty-five dollar ($25) retiree health care subsidy. There is more to come.
The next bargaining session is scheduled for January 9, 2025. Your bargaining team wishes you Happy Holidays.



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