Our Story
Local government employees are the heart of their community. They are the front-line in the fight to build strong, healthy, and prosperous communities. In Sacramento County, UPE members work in the jails and court houses, and airport security. They protect the abused, disabled, and elderly. They work in every department including the Sheriff's, District Attorney, Assessors and Probation. UPE members deliver "meals on wheels" to seniors, work in crime labs, transcribe trials and a myriad of other necessary jobs to make the County run efficiently and serve the citizens of Sacramento.
Too often, the public does not fully understand and support the critical work done by their neighbors who work for the county and the courts, leaving our members to fight for fair salaries, affordable healthcare and decent, safe working conditions. That is why Sacramento County employees formed UPE, a strong, member-run, independent Labor Union that would fight for them and their families.
Governing Boards
Regular Meeting Times:
First Wednesday - bi-monthly,
6:00 pm at UPE.
Sylvia Garcia - Chair
Dawn Richardson - Vice Chair
Edgar Brown - Secretary
Elyse Avila - Treasurer
Yolanda Augustine
Jennifer Avalo
Ryan McClain
James Ostrowski
Debbie Tellez
Zackary Kollross
James Lucky
Ericka Jones
Regular Meeting Times:
Second Tuesday - bi-monthly,
6:00 pm at UPE.
Stephanie McCall - Chair
Sarah Singleton - Vice Chair
Nichole Gorman - Secretary
Eric Booker
Olivia Brown
Priscilla Cochran-Navarra
Deanna Green
Patrick Hunter
Michelle Moyer
Yesenia Marilu Siguenza
James Starr
Regular Meeting Times:
Second Thursday - bi-monthly,
6:00 pm at UPE.
Shawn Boxer - Chair
Nancy Wallace - Vice Chair
Suzette Cade - Secretary
Tammi Boxer - Treasurer
Christina Arcuri
Andrea Howard
Paul McGee
Alison Saltonstall
Lizette Sweezer Morris
Liz Teklinsky
Julie Valdivia
Regular Meeting Times:
Second Tuesday - bi-monthly, 12:00 pm at FRC.
Leava Ong - Chair
James Reed - Secretary
Regular Meeting Times:
Second Tuesday - bi-monthly, 12:00 pm - Microsoft Teams.
Carmelita Rodriguez - Chair
Lisa Sykes - Vice Chair
Melisa Hernandez - Secretary
Janis Browder - Treasurer
Monica Lerma
Kristen Zdanowski
Regular Meeting Times:
First Thursday - bi-monthly,
5:30 pm at Sutter.
Jennifer Lambert - Chair
Warren Simpson - Vice Chair
Shara Hunter - Secretary
Regular Meeting Times:
Third Thursday - bi-monthly,
12:00 pm at Yuba.
Tammy Anderson - Chair
Maria Hicks - Vice Chair
Carmen Rodriguez - Secretary
Erica Linehan
Kaitlin Makiej
Regular Meeting Times:
First Tuesday - bi-monthly,
6:30 pm - Microsoft Teams.
Cindy Billalon - Chair
Shannon Alexander - Secretary
Regular Meeting Times:
Second Wednesday - bi-monthly,
6:00 pm - Microsoft Teams.
Linda Dunbar-Street
Renee Graham
Cece Henderson
Erica Mejia
Karlee Parsons
Lacy Rees
Gerald Story

Board of Directors
The UPE Board of Directors creates the policies, procedures and rules governing the operations of the Union. The Board of Directors further promotes the Union and its programs, serves as the Union's elections committee, political action committee, and governs members' disciplinary appeals. In the true spirit of a member-run union, UPE union members make up the Board of Directors. The UPE Directors are dedicated to keeping UPE a truly independent union by focusing on local issues and high-quality representation of our members.
United Public Employees represents five Governing Boards. The leaders of these Governing Boards are UPE members and are elected to three-year terms. Each Governing Board then elects representatives to serve on the UPE Board of Directors. To learn more about getting involved talk to a Board Member, Business Agent, or visit the 'Get Involved' section of our website.
Regular Meeting Times:
Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm at UPE.
James Starr - Chair
Sylvia Garcia - Vice Chair
Stephanie McCall - Secretary
Shawn Boxer - Treasurer
Yolanda Augustine
Suzette Cade
Renee Graham
Jennifer Lambert
James Ostrowski
James Reed
Carmelita Rodriguez
Sarah Singleton